TravelMole’s list of Sustainable Tourism Organisations / Companies
What is sustainable tourism?
The English Tourism Council defines sustainable tourism initiative as tourism that encompasses four broad themes:
· Visitor satisfaction
· Industry profitability
· Community acceptance and benefit
· Environmental conservation
Sustainable tourism is the application of sustainable development principles to tourism development and management and applies to all tourism activity. It is not a specific product in itself such as ‘green tourism’ (which is a visitor experience or service based on activities that are environmentally benign), or eco-tourism (which concentrates on providing an intimate and usually educational encounter between the visitor and natural flora and fauna).
Action Aid:
Alpine Club:
Association of Small-Scale Enterprises in Tourism (ASSET), The Gambia. A recent set up with funding from the UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID)
Members sign up to the Tumani Tenda Declaration, which establishes ASSET’s principles and guidelines for sustainable tourism development. Guidelines include developing schemes where a small sum of money is added to the price of a holiday to channel money directly into a project; deliberately choosing locally sourced goods and services if possible; and sharing better practice.
Brathay Exploration:
British Cycling Federation:
British Mountaineering Council:
“The British Mountaineering Council is the representative body that exists to protect the freedoms and promote the interests of climbers, hillwalkers and mountaineers, including ski-mountaineers. The BMC offers a range of advice and insurance policies, for both members and non-members.” Alex Messenger, British Mountaineering Council
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers:
British Waterways:
“British Waterways carefully maintains 2,000 miles of canals and river navigations for everyone to enjoy. Our website includes interactive maps of these canals, search facilities for holiday boat companies and waterside events, and much more.” Kevin O’Malley, British Waterways
Centre for Alternative Technology:
“Centre for Alternative Technology is Europe’s leading independent visitor centre for environmental research, education and trading. We offer a consultancy service, specialist courses, publications and educational facilities on subjects ranging from renewable energy systems, energy
efficiency and sustainable building to biological waste treatment. We also offer extensive mail order services, via” Bryn Llwyn, Centre for Alternative Technology
Centre for Environmentally Responsible Tourism:
“C.E.R.T.’s aim is to provide an open forum to bring people closer to an understanding of local environmental issues and concerns helping them to improve the quality of life within their own community, so that when holidays are taken at home or overseas, environmental responsibility is an automatic consideration.” Peter Chipperfield, CEO, CERT.
Centre for Responsible Tourism, University of Greenwich: .”<a href=”
The Centre for Responsible Tourism bills itself as Europe’s leading institution for training, consultancy and research in global tourism, conservation and sustainable development, worldwide. Believing responsible tourism to be a practical goal which can be learned, the Centre offers: “Two residential and two distance learning MScs. Students can study for MSc Tourism, Conservation and Sustainable Development, and MSc Sustainable Tourism Management by spending 6 months taking classes on campus and 6 months researching their choosen theme anywhere suitable. MSc Tourism and Protected Landscape Management and MSc Protected Landscape Managament are taught over two years by distance learning to students worldwide. Students are welcomed from a wide variety of backgrounds.
“2 Residential and 2 Distance Learning MScs are available. Students can study for MSc Tourism, Conservation and Sustainable Development and MSc Sustainable Tourism Management by spending 6 months taking classes on campus and 6 months researching their choosen theme anywhere suitable. MSc Tourism and Protected Landscape Management and MSc Protected Landscape Managament are taught over 2 years by Distance Learning to students worldwide. Students are welcomed from a wide variety of backgrounds.” Centre for Responsible Tourism.
Climate Care:
“Aviation is the fastest-growing source of the global warming gas carbon dioxide, in the world. Climate Care offers travellers a realistic and affordable way to reduce their impact on the environment when they fly. We ask you for a small premium (80 pence per hour of flight). We fund projects that reduce emissions of CO2 elsewhere, such as renewable energy and reforestation. The reductions balance your emissions – making your travel climate neutral. You can calculate your emissions and buy offsets at Make sure your next holiday doesn’t cost the earth.” Tom Morton, Climate Care.
Community Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources:
Coral Cay Conservation:
Conservation Foundation:
Conservation International:
Cyclists’ Touring Club:
Discovery Initiatives:
“Long-Haul overland adventure holidays throughout Africa, Asia and the Americas. In 1999 Dragoman decided to support Community Tourism Projects and 40% of itineraries visited one – aiming to have 80% of itineraries visiting one within four years. £2 given to Survival International (supporting tribal people) for every direct booking made. Dragoman: was awarded ‘The Green Globe’ for environmental performance; holds ‘CERT’ award for good environmental practice; and follows guidelines of ‘Tourism Concern’” [email protected]
Earthwatch Institute:
The Ecotourism Society (US):
European Community Network for Environmental Travel and Tourism: ECoNETT
European Golf Association:
Environmental Investigation Agency:
Environmental Transport Association:
“Established ten years ago as an ethical alternative to the AA and RAC, the ETA offers a wide range of insurance services to its members at extremely competitive prices. The ETA actively campaigns for a sustainable transport system for Britain and also co-ordinates ETA Green Transport Week and National Car Free Day.” Michelle O’Riordan, Environment Transport Association
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa:
“Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa (FTTSA) is a non-profit marketing organisation working under the auspices of IUCN (the World Conservation Union) South Africa, which is working to establish equitable and transparent business practices in South African tourism.” Jennifer Seif, National Coordinator, FTTSA.
Field Studies Council: www.field-studies-council
“FSC is an environmental education charity, which exists to promote ‘environmental education for all’. FSC operates 16 Field Centres throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland offering: courses for schools and colleges; 500 special interest holidays ranging from birds to botany, wildlife to writing and art to adventure; over 40 holidays overseas exploring the natural world; over 200 training courses for professionals in plant; and environmental training and consultancy services.” Sarah Arnold, Field Studies Council.
Friends of the Earth:
“Friends of the Earth is: one of the largest international environmental networks in the world, with over 50 groups across five continents; one of the UK’s most influential national environmental pressure groups; a unique network of campaigning local groups, working in 220 communities throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland.” Simon Bernstein, Director of Communications and Fundraising, Friends of the Earth
“Frontier is an environmental conservation and research NGO
working in collaboration with partner institutions in Madagascar, Tanzania and Vietnam to identify and address urgent conservation issues. Frontier recruits Research Assistants to take part in long-term conservation projects in threatened tropical ecosystems, leading to a BTEC qualification in Tropical Habitat Conservation.” Emma Davenport, Frontier Conservation
Galapagos Conservation Trust:
“Greenforce is a registered non-profit organisation and a member of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. We offer environmental assistance to developing countries in order to safeguard the biodiversity of threatened ecosystems. We do this through organising long term surveys, led by experienced scientists and assisted by volunteer Fieldwork Assistants, to provide vital information to local environmental authorities.Greenforce currently operates two marine projects in Borneo, Fiji and two land based projects in Zambia and the Peruvian Amazon at the request of the host countries.” Iain Benson, Marine Projects Co-ordinator, Greenforce.
Green Globe:
Green Globe is a worldwide certification programme dedicated to helping the Travel & Tourism industry around the world develop in sustainable ways – ways that improve the environment, well being and the way of life for local people and for visitors.
Green Net:
Greenstop utilises a unique 3 point classification eco-friendly development plan, which allows anyone to check out the environmental record of travel companies, hotels and associated businesses.
Green Tourism Association:
“The Green Tourism Association is the world’s only known association that specifically promotes and develops the concept of urban green tourism (ecotourism in the city). The OTHER Guide to Toronto: Opening the Door to Green Tourism, is the world’s first known urban ecotourism guide book which leads visitors and Toronto residents to explore natural, cultural, heritage and urban adventures within Canada’s largest city. Check out the website for more information about urban green tourism or the association’s products and services.” Rachel Dodds, Green Tourism
The Holiday Adventure:
We are a small company who organise adventurous and innovative holidays for individuals and for guided groups. Most of our business is through word of mouth. We have travelled extensively in Tanzania and our holidays reflect the very best of those experiences. When possible we use the services of smaller local providers and avoid agencies or middlemen. We owe our clients a fantastic time at an excellent price but also see your tourism as an opportunity for the areas we visit and monitor our impact closely. The whole point is that we love these places and we’re pretty sure you will too.” Kelty Caston, The Holiday Adventure
The International Hotels Environment Initiative:
“The IHEI is a non-profit organisation established by chief executives of the world’s leading hotel groups to bring about continuous improvement in the environmental performance of the hotel industry worldwide. Current membership comprises 11,000 hotels and 1.9 million rooms on five continents.” Karen Fletcher, IHEI
International Bicycle Fund:
International Federation for Alternative Trade (IFAT):
International Institute for Environment and Development:
UK Department for International Development:
“The Department for International Development is the British government department responsible for promoting development and the reduction of poverty. We are committed to the internationally agreed target to halve the proportion of people living in poverty by 2015, together with the associated targets including basic healthcare provision and universal access to primary education by the same date.” James Hole, DFID Information department
Intrepid Travel Pty Ltd:
“Intrepid Travel operates fun, affordable and environmentally sustainable small group travel adventures to 15 countries of Asia. The company ‘Responsible Travel’ policy is implemented throughout all aspects of operations, facilitated by a team of 6 Responsible Travel Coordinators, with the main aim of protecting and benefiting local communities. Grass roots travel uses all forms of local transport and small-scale locally owned accommodation and homestays where possible. Our Responsible Travel researcher is currently working on a 2 year study on the impact of small tour operations on developing communities. 10% of Intrepid’s after tax profit is contributed to the Intrepid Community Fund for environmental, developmental and humanitarian projects.
In 1996, Intrepid was awarded ‘Best Foreign Wholesaler’ by the Tourism Authority of Thailand for ‘their invaluable contribution to the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Thailand’s tourism industry.’ Intrepid was also awarded the 1999 Environmental Achievement Award by the Australian Travel Industry for our commitment to culturally and environmentally responsible travel in Asia.”
Jane Crouch, Responsible Travel Coordinator
** For Intrepid’s latest news, see the Intrepid Travel PressZone page on TravelMole.
Jane Goodall Institute:
Journal of Sustainable Travel and Tourism
“STT Online provides a centralised source of information, updated on a regular basis with case studies, news and feature articles. The web-site provides a medium for participating companies to provide to the potential industry partners news of their latest technological breakthroughs and success stories. Edition one of the journal was launched at the World Travel Market, London, November 2000. Above and beyond this Sustainable travel and Tourism has forged strategic alliances with WTTC, WTO, WTR, ICLEI and the UNEP and of course will be sent to all Green Globe 21 members and industry partners.” Anna Pink, Journal of Sustainable Travel and Tourism.
Make A Difference Adventures:
“Our aim is quite simple: to provide Innovative Adventure trips throughout the developing world and to make positive changes to the lives of the people who live in those countries, whilst maintaining the lifestyle that we love. Currently we are running two trips in Northern India. Each trip we run has at its core an Aid Project. 20% of the price you pay goes to the project that your trip supports.” Darren Odell, Make A Difference Adventures.
Marine Conservation Society:
“The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is the UK charity dedicated to the protection of the marine environment and its wildlife. MCS campaigns for sewage-free seas, beaches free of litter, site protection and sensitive management of our coast. Find out more about marine wildlife and the threats it faces, and projects you can get involved with, by visiting our website.” Richard Harrington, Marine Conservation Society
Mountain Institute:
The National Centre for Volunteering:
The National Trust:
The Nepal Trust:
“The Nepal Trust is a charity dedicated to supporting the Nepalese people by working with them on sustainable community development projects. We work with health, education, sanitation, renewable energy, eco-tourism, heritage preservation and student programmes in one of the most remote areas in Nepal – The Hidden Himalayas. The Trust emphasises local participation and recognises the local people as the ultimate custodiands of their comminities.” Amanda McCallum, The Nepal Trust
“Expertly guided small group natural history holidays, Europe and Long-Haul. Associate Sponsor of the British Birdwatching Fair, Naturetrek offers a programme of British Birdwatching Fair Project Tours which include a focus on conservation work in key habitats in Europe and elsewhere. 10% of the cost of certain tours is donated to conservation work in the area visited.” [email protected]
One World:
Rainforest Concern:
Raleigh International:
“Youth development charity Raleigh International gives young people between 17 and 25 and volunteer staff over 25 years old the chance to live and work on three month expeditions abroad. Not only do they contribute to the country they are working in by carrying out vital environmental and community work but they learn to work together with people from different cultures and backgrounds. In 2001 expeditions are going to Belize, Chile, Costa Rica, Ghana, Namibia and Mongolia.” Katherine Abbott, Raleigh International.
Ramblers Association:
“The Ramblers’ Association exists to facilitate, for the benefit of everyone, the enjoyment and discovery on foot of Britain’s countryside and to promote respect for the life of the countryside. We protect rights of way; campaign for freedom to roam over uncultivated open country; and defend the beauty of the countryside. We organise walking and campaigning events through the year in support of our charitable aims. The association is a democratic, voluntary organisation, registered as a charity (no.306089).” Christopher Sparrow, Deputy Editor, The Rambler
“Resurgence magazine publishes articles that are on the cutting edge of current thinking, promoting creativity, ecology, spirituality and frugality. It is full of positive ideas about the theory and practice of good living: permaculture, community supported agriculture, local economics, ecological building, sacred architecture, art in the environment, small schools and deep ecology.” Sophie Poklewski-Koziell, Resurgence Magazine.
Royal Geographical Society:
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds:
“The RSPB works for a healthy environment rich in birds and wildlife. It depends on the support and generosity of others to make a difference.” Mark Boyd, RSPB
Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism:
Save the Elephants:
“It is Save the Elephants’ mission to secure a future for elephants and to sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places where they live; to promote man’s delight in their intelligence and the diversity of their world, and to develop a tolerant relationship between the two species.” Jessica Higginbottom, CEO, Save the Elephants
Save the Rhino:
“Skyros Holistic Holidays run many courses on the Greek island of Skyros and on the island of Ko Samet in Thailand. Courses include Yoga, Sailing, Creative Writing, T’ai Chi, Salsa, Art, Dance, Windsurfing, Personal Development and much, much more. Skyros offers spectacular scenery, a friendly community and delicious food.” Helen Akif, Skyros Holistic Holidays
Surfers Against Sewage:
“Surfers Against Sewage are a UK based, non-profit making organisation campaigning for an end to the discharge of raw and partially treated sewage and toxic waste, into our oceans and inland waters. Clean beaches and rivers are a resource vital to the economy and well-being of any nation. Sewage-free coastal and inland waters mean recreational water-users can practise their sports in a clean, safe environment, without fear of getting ill. For the last 10 years, SAS have been focusing their attention on the coastline and rivers of the UK.” Kim Harris, Surfers Against Sewage
Survival International:
“Survival is a worldwide organisation supporting tribal peoples. It stands for their right to decide their own future and helps them protect their lives, lands and human rights.” Roger Mortimer, Publications, Survival International
“Sustrans works on practical projects to encourage people to cycle and walk more, as one starting point for reducing motor traffic and tackling its adverse effects. Flagship project, the National Cycle Network, opened 5,000 miles routes in June 2000, with a further 5,000 targeted for 2005.” Nic Antonini, Public Information Officer, Sustrans
Tourism Concern:
Tourism Concern is a membership network set up in 1989 to bring together people concerned about tourism’s impact on communities and the environment, both in the UK and worldwide. It is also an information resource through its members, global contacts and media resources. Tourism Concern is also a catalyst for change, influencing and informing government, industry and education. It is an independent voice for justice and sustainability in tourism.
TRAFFIC International:
Trekforce Expeditions:
“Trekforce Expeditions run 8 week projects in Belize, Borneo and Uganda concentrating on endangered rainforests, working with the local community on construction or science-based projects. In addition there is a five month programme to Belize incorporating project work, learning Spanish in Guatemala then returning to Belize to teach English. If you’re looking for a challenging adventure tap into” Lucy, Trekforce
“Tribes – the Fair Trade Travel Compnay – was set up in January 1998 because we felt that tourism should be sustainable and of benefit to the local communities affected by it, and because we wanted to offer the kind of holidays which we enjoyed – namely those offering true experiences of a country, its people and environment.” Guy Marks, Tribes.
UN Environment Programme:
Vacation Work Publications:
Voluntary Service Overseas:
“VSO is an international development charity that works through volunteers, enabling people to share their skills and experience with local communities in the developing world. We passionately believe we can make a difference in tackling poverty by helping people to realise their potential.” Rachel Tunstall, VSO
Voluntary Work Information Service:
WorkingAbroad is an independent, registered organisation based in Switzerland and in the UK. It is an international networking service for anyone looking for voluntary (VWIS), professional and casual work opportunities in over 150 countries world-wide.
Waterway Recovery Group:
“The Waterway Recovery Group is a voluntary organisation, helping to restore derelict canals in Britain. We run ‘canal camp’ working-holidays to repair derelict canals. The holidays are great fun, and can be used for the Duke of Edinburgh award.” Dan Evans, WRG
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society:
“The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) is the world’s most active charity dedicated to the conservation and welfare of all whales, dolphins and porpoises (also known as cetaceans). WDCS works on and funds projects and campaigns in over 25 countries.” Chris Stroud, CEO, Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
The Wilderness Trust: [email protected]
“The Wilderness Trust is part of a global network, the aim of which is to protect wilderness areas. Across the world, people with vision share a growing understanding of the urgent need to preserve wild habitats. The trust recognises wilderness as being irreplaceable, and a source of inspiration to all of us. Here you will discover how we are working to preserve the world’s wilderness places, and how you could help.” Julie Clemence, Wilderness Trust
Wild Oceans:
World Conservation Union:
World Development Movement:
World Travel and Tourism Council:
World Tourism Organisation:
WWF International:
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