The BLLA Team sits down with Chris Cline, General Manager of The Hotel Santa Barbara, as he delves into his experience as a boutique hotelier - TravelMole

The BLLA Team sits down with Chris Cline, General Manager of The Hotel Santa Barbara, as he delves into his experience as a boutique hotelier

Wednesday, Apr 26, 2023 0


BLLA: What is your company’s mission statement?


CC: We Make an Impact on Communities by Stimulating Growth, Creating Jobs and Honoring History.


BLLA: How did you enter the hospitality industry?


CC: I began at age 13 washing pots and dishes for a family friend’s catering company. From there I learned to cook and was catering for parties of up to 200+ guests by age 17. This led to my choice to attend UNLV for “Hotel School”.



BLLA: What does “boutique” mean to you?


CC: Boutique sets an expectation that a guest is going have an experience that is more personal, intimate, curated and thoughtful than an experience in a larger hotel. I love having the opportunity to provide that level of service to guests each and every day.


BLLA: How are you an artisan?


CC: For me, being an artisan means creating experiences that are inspiring and memorable. We do this through our high-level of personalized service and by collaborating with local craftsmen, tastemakers, and artisans to give our guests interactive experiences they can only find at Hotel Santa Barbara. It could be wine education and tastings, chef-driven dinners or gatherings where guests can spend time with the artisan and their creations personally.


BLLA: Why do you celebrate the path of independence?


CC: For me its just an organic choice and a place where I’m more comfortable. An independent and boutique environment allows me to be authentic which eliminates barriers to creating real connection with team members and guests.



BLLA: What advice would you give to first-time hoteliers?


CC: Hospitality is about serving others. Find or create an environment where this is most important. Challenge yourself to invest in creating opportunities to serve team members, guests, and the community.


BLLA: What would you say to hotel lenders & investors reading this?


CC: An understandable focus of lenders and investors is financial performance. Boutique hotels are a good investment! I’d hope success is defined both in terms of financial performance and the success of supporting the good, hardworking people delivering those performance results. So often success is reliant on a dedicated and caring person, selflessly serving another.


BLLA: What’s next for you?


CC: Our focus is the re-imagining and renovation of Hotel Santa Barbara in a way that celebrates its rich history and appeals to the modern traveler.



Learn more about Boutique Lifestyle Leaders Association (BLLA)

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