The top 20 destinations with the most dependency on Russian tourism - Mabrian Technologies - TravelMole

The top 20 destinations with the most dependency on Russian tourism – Mabrian Technologies

Friday, Feb 25, 2022 0


Mabrian Technologies highlights in a graph the countries that would be most affected in tourism terms by a prolonged Russian conflict with Ukrainian


Mabrian Technologies, a tourism intelligence platform, has developed a map showing the top 20 countries that depend most on Russian tourism, from the point of view of air connectivity.


These countries would see their tourism sector affected in the coming months if the crisis between Russian and Ukraine lengthens, given that an effect is expected in all of Europe.


This data have been extracted based on air capacity and the number of seats on scheduled flights from Russia for the next six months (staring February 24).


As the graph shows, the country with the most scheduled flights and seats from Russia is Turkey, with nearly 2 million scheduled tickets for the next six months. It is followed by Ukraine, Uzbekistan, the United Arab Emirates and Tajikistan. The top 10 destinations dependent on Russian travelers also includes countries such as Germany, Greece, Egypt and Cyprus, whilst Spain is in aat 18th place.


“A new instability puts Europe’s tourism recovery at risk when it seemed that we had overcome the crisis caused by Covid19. This is just another example that the only constant is instability and that destinations and tourism companies must have up-to-date information to analyze and act quickly to threats and opportunities” says Carlos Cendra, Director of Sales and Marketing at Mabrian. 


“Turkey and Greece are two important tourist destinations in southern Europe and, at the same time, are among the most dependent on the Russian market. It is possible that these, in the coming weeks, will have to increase their efforts to attract tourists from other markets, demonstrate greater competition and lower prices to counteract a possible decrease in tourism from Russia.” 

Learn more about Mabrian Technologies

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