Sharp rise in travel job vacancies - TravelMole

Sharp rise in travel job vacancies

Thursday, 18 Jul, 2017 0

The number of new travel job vacancies was up 21% in June compared to June 2016, according to the latest figures from C&M.

The number of new candidates registered with C&M Travel Recruitment and C&M Executive Recruitment was also up, by 26%, for the month.

"The summer holiday season usually results in a slowdown in activity towards the end of July and into August, but there are no signs of it so far," said Barbara Kolosinska, director of both companies.

"Happily, we’re still seeing many new travel roles being created each day as well as lots of brand new candidates registering their interest in them."

Meanwhile, the average salary for a new job in travel travel was down to £25,331, a drop of 1.84% compared to June 2016.

C&M said much of the dip was due to a decrease in the number of executive roles, which are those paying more than £40,000, as well as a fall in pay in the north of the UK.

But salaries in the south of the country rose year-on-year by 3.78% to reach £27,498 in June.

Standard travel salaries (those paying up to £40,000) fell were 5.75% up from June 2016.




Editor in chief Bev Fearis has been a travel journalist for 25 years. She started her career at Travel Weekly, where she became deputy news editor, before joining Business Traveller as deputy editor and launching the magazine’s website. She has also written travel features, news and expert comment for the Guardian, Observer, Times, Telegraph, Boundless and other consumer titles and was named one of the top 50 UK travel journalists by the Press Gazette.

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